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The Story of Enrique: First Around the Globe

The Story of Enrique: First Around the Globe

By Milena Mataac ‘26

Sources for photos above:, en.维基百科.org

当你想到第一个环游世界的人时,你的脑海里会浮现出什么名字? 也许是费迪南德·麦哲伦,第一次环球探险的领导者? Or possibly Sebastián Elcano, 他通常被认为是第一个真正完成环球航行的人? 但是,如果真正的答案是一个不那么突出的历史人物:一个名叫恩里克的马来奴隶呢?

After being taken from his homeland in Southeast Asia, 恩里克一生中有十年时间为这位著名的葡萄牙探险家做奴隶, Ferdinand Magellan. 在麦哲伦远征西部航线香料群岛时担任特使和翻译, 这个奴隶遇到了一群说他母语的人. Enrique had traveled around the entire world. This is his story.


恩里克是麦哲伦在摩鹿加群岛(今马来西亚)买来的奴隶。, 但没有确切的证据证明恩里克的种族. 

According to 账户 written of Magellan’s expedition, 恩里克是“一个说马来语的人,他可以在航行中与菲律宾其他说马来语的人交流。.” Due to the widespread 交易 在东南亚国家之间,马来语当时被用作一种贸易语言. 因此, 恩里克能够与菲律宾当地人交流的事实, while suggestive, 也许这不是他回到祖国的确凿证据. 

There is frequent dispute over Enrique’s true home country, as historians in Malaysia, 印尼, 和菲律宾都声称自己是历史人物的出生地.

Image Source:


According to William Manchester’s book, A World Lit Only By Fire, 恩里克出生在菲律宾的维萨扬群岛, sold into slavery in Sumatra (印尼), and sent to the 摩鹿加群岛, where Magellan bought him in the early 1500s. Additionally, Duarte Barbosa, a Portuguese writer on the journey, “mentions a community of Filipino merchants, 工人, 与此同时,麦哲伦在摩鹿加群岛获得了恩里克,” so there is a strong, though not fully confirmed, argument that Enrique was of Filipino origin.

Sold Into Slavery

Before his more famous expedition, 1511年,费迪南德·麦哲伦沿着一条已知的东海航线航行到摩鹿加群岛. During his stay there, 他买了一个马来奴隶男孩,并把他从同一条东海航线带回了欧洲. The boy’s real name is unknown, 但在很多报道中,他被称为“恩里克·埃尔·内格罗”,” or in English, “Enrique the Black.”

On the journey back to Europe, 恩里克陪同麦哲伦走遍了世界许多地方,比如印度, 非洲, 葡萄牙, 和西班牙. 他学会了许多语言,成为麦哲伦的使节和翻译, 所以他在1519年被选为麦哲伦的探险者.

Magellan Expedition

    Image Source: 大英百科全书.com

In September 1519, 费迪南德·麦哲伦(Ferdinand Magellan)从西班牙启航,试图找到一条通往印度尼西亚马来群岛(马来群岛)的西部海上航线 摩鹿加群岛. These islands were known as the Spice Islands because of the nutmeg, mace, and cloves found there. 

1521年春天,麦哲伦的船队到达了菲律宾群岛. 起初,恩里克无法与他们遇到的当地人交流. 然而, after leaving the Homonhon Islands in Guiuan Philippines, 麦哲伦探险队的成员们看到了一条小船,上面有8个土著人 期刊 of Antonio Pigafetta, the chronicler of Magellan’s voyage, as “Mazaua” (near present-day Mindanao, 菲律宾).

According to Pigafetta’s account, 麦哲伦再次指示恩里克尝试与当地人交谈. 于是,恩里克用他的母语马来语向他们大声打招呼. 使他非常惊讶和高兴的是,这些人用他所说的同一种语言回答了他. 

麦哲伦送给当地人礼物,当地人回来给他们的国王出谋划策. 当国王后来乘一艘大船回到马祖瓦时,恩里克用马来语对他说话. The king was able to understand Enrique, 帮助麦哲伦和他的船员与当地人建立了良好的关系. 

Image Source: en.维基百科.org


这是十多年前他被从家中带走并被卖为奴隶以来的第一次, 恩里克能够用自己的母语与岛民交流. They could understand him and he could understand them. Assuming this account is accurate, 这是有记载的第一次有人绕地球一圈,然后回到自己的家乡. 

恩里克继续帮助麦哲伦与当地居民的领袖沟通. 然而, in April 1521, 一位名叫拉普-拉普的部落首领带领一群人在麦克坦战役中击败了西班牙军队. 麦哲伦和他的许多其他西班牙探险家在战斗中丧生.

Unknown Fate of Enrique

麦哲伦死后,杜阿尔特·巴博萨接替他担任船长,成为恩里克号的新主人. He treated the slave cruelly. 尽管麦哲伦在遗嘱中写道,恩里克死后将被释放, Barbosa instead decided to keep him as a slave. 他命令恩里克回去做使者和翻译, but the slave refused to obey the new captain, choosing instead to lay in a fetal position in protest.

Supposedly, Enrique 建议 to the chief of Cebu, another province in the Philippines, “他们邀请西班牙人参加宴会,并在那里屠杀他们.举行了一次宴会,几乎所有参加的西班牙人都被杀了.

Image Source:

After this event, it is unknown what happened to Enrique, although it is known that he survived the natives’ attack. Assuming he had truly made it back to his homeland, 恩里克可能已经回到了他出生的地方, 不知道他可能是第一个环游世界的人.

麦哲伦和巴博萨在菲律宾被杀后, Sebastián Elcano 成功地将远征队仅存的一艘船驶回了西班牙. 正因为如此,埃尔卡诺被广泛认为是第一个环球航行的人 Enrique’s story is forgotten.



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About the Writer

Milena Mataac '26
Milena Mataac '26


米莱娜是一名大二学生,将成为CCHS 2026年毕业班的一员. She is a writer for the Raider Review.

Milena's favorite subjects are math and history. 她在空闲时间喜欢画画、读书和弹钢琴. She usually likes to write about historical topics. Milena plays soccer, basketball, tennis, and karate. She has an older sister and three guinea pigs. 她参加了艺术社、学生校友会、礼仪乐队等社团. Milena is from Newbury, Massachusetts, 她从小学到中学都在纽伯里波特的无玷受孕学校上学.

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